What is Web3?

Aysel Sarıkaya
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2024


“Web 3.0 is about creating a more open and transparent web, where data is shared freely and openly among all users.”

~Vitalik Buterin

What is Web1?

Web 1.0 represents the first stage of the internet. If you're old enough to remember the late 1980s and early 1990s, you've experienced this period firsthand. During this period, the foundations of the internet were laid. However, users were limited in their ability to create or interact with content. In Web 1.0, information was presented in a decentralized manner and users were generally consumers of content.

What is Web2?

Web 2.0 refers to the second phase of the internet, characterized by dynamic web pages, user-generated content, and increased interactivity. This phase saw the rise of social media, online collaboration tools, and participatory web applications. Like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. Unlike Web 1.0, where users were primarily consumers of content, Web 2.0 gave users greater freedom to create, share and interact with content.

What is Web3?

Since traditional Internet (Web2) structures are centralized, power and control are generally in the hands of large organizations. However, Web3 aims to change this situation. It empowers users – individuals or small organizations – giving them greater control. For this, decentralized systems such as blockchain technology and crypto assets are used. So, in Web3, power no longer comes from a single authority, but from a distributed network. This increases users' data security and freedom. In summary, Web3 creates a more democratic environment in the digital world by allowing users to act more independently on the internet.

“The most effective system of Internet control is not the one that has the most sophisticated and draconian system of censorship, but the one that has no need for censorship whatsoever.”

― Evgeny Morozov

What will change in the third phase of the internet with the birth of Web3?

Today's internet operates in a completely centralized structure, and large companies such as Google, Meta, X, YouTube, Twitch provide free access to users and collect and store user data in return. This data has become an important economic resource for advertising companies and brands. However, in this system, users have no say in how their data will be used.

Web3 can radically change this paradigm. Users can take full control of their own data. There will no longer be a single central authority collecting and storing data, instead data will be stored in a distributed network and users will be able to access and control this data. In this way, they will be able to have a greater say in how their data is used while protecting their personal privacy.

Blockchain technology and crypto assets provided by Web3 allow financial transactions and asset transfers to occur faster and more securely.

With the development of decentralized applications (DApps), the internet experience will become more democratic and participatory. Finally, thanks to the new revenue models that Web3 provides to its creators and content producers, the digital economy will move towards a more equitable structure.

Accommodation to change, the thoughtful pursuit of alternative futures are keys to the survival of civilization and perhaps of the human species.

_ Carl Sagan

In conclusion:

The Internet plays a fundamental role in today's civilization. The presence of the internet is vital in almost every aspect of our lives. The importance of the internet will continue to increase in the future, because with technological developments and the digital transformation process, the influence and use of the internet will become more widespread. And for people's privacy and security in this future, the internet needs to be more democratic.

Otherwise, insecurity will continue to be the nightmare of our civilization. A civilization where we have to pay attention while talking in the room where our phone is is unsustainable.



Aysel Sarıkaya
Write A Catalyst

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