Next level: Digital twins!

Aysel Sarıkaya
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


We are moving towards a world where everything is digital. This new world is becoming much more evident with our developing technologies and preferences.

A digital twin is a digital model of an asset or process. These evolving models depend on real data sources around the world. This means that the twin is updated in real time to reflect the original version.

In this way, people working on a product or process can contribute to continuous improvement with instantly updated data.

For example, a team working on a product can constantly update the digital product using real-world data. This allows production costs to be reduced and product quality to increase. Additionally, team members can work on digital twins simultaneously, increasing collaboration and efficiency. Networks created with blockchain infrastructure will make the collaboration process more reliable by ensuring security and transparency. Therefore, this approach is significantly different from today's ways of doing business.

This new form of production opens the doors to a wireless, unlimited, and uninterrupted world. Technologies such as blockchain, Web3, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, nanotechnology, and brain-computer interfaces will lead to the shaping of societies and cultures by these new forms of production and consumption.

Because throughout history, societies have been shaped around consumption and production. The agricultural revolution imposed settled life on people. Settled life led to the birth of civilization. The industrial revolution created cities. It changed family structures. It changed the roles between genders. In the new world where this center does not exist, it will change and develop all of these in line with its own needs.

At some point there may be no difference between real and digital.



Aysel Sarıkaya
Write A Catalyst

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